Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Whimspirations: soooo Letter Loved!

Whimspirations: soooo Letter Loved!
It's a great Day to be letter loved!
Wow!  Thank you, Joanne Sharpe, for not only sharing your talents and being such an inspiration, but for including my art on your blog as a Letter Love 101 example!!  I am thrilled & so very honored!  Knowing that 'I always had the power' is an amazing concept, but realizing that I'm learning to actually put my thoughts and ideas onto paper is a fabulous reality!  Thank you again for the wonderful opportunity to Choose Joy & be blessed.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

making a big old mess

I'm still loving letter love!  It's a great excuse to collect tons of fun art supplies, use random bright colors all at once, and make a huge mess!